We've all heard that "it takes a village..." and when it came to producing live entertainment for the Winterfest Village at Tryon Resort in just a matter of weeks, we quickly had to form a village that was up to the task.
The jam-packed evening boasts an opening tree lighting show, strolling musical acts throughout the property, Mrs. Claus' Cookie Kitchen, the North Pole Post Office, Who-liday Character Zone, live aerial acts, dance performances, Santa's North Pole Adventure, and closing character parade called "Light the Night!"

With musical performances supplied by our friends at JMMD Entertainment and aerial performances by Aerial Concepts Inc. we've got the dream team making the magic happen.

And, of course, Pablo the Polar Bear. He's one of our new strolling characters that has been getting rave reviews. He always has a long line of friends waiting to meet him wherever he goes!